Archive for February 2nd, 2010

Allow myself to introduce…myself!

Hello all, my name is Mike and this is my blog.  Just take a quick look at the title of my opening blog…..I’ll wait…. that’s right people, that’s kind of place this is going to be; stupid jokes, silly comments and constant movie references.  That’s how I roll people.

Some time back, my wife tried to convince me that I was interesting enough to start a blog.  I disagreed with her, but she persisted.  She constantly told me that my takes on things are so quirky and offbeat, yet funny (she’s always knows the words that will get my attention, lol) that people would love to hear what I had to say.

The reality of the situation is that my wife knows that I use to love to write when I was younger, and that I’ve always regretted not pursuing my former passion further.  I do have to agree with my wife on at least one thing she said, and that is that I do tend to look at things from a skewed viewpoint.  Where most people, I fell, tend to just go with the flow, I find a place to crack a joke, or get on my soap box and rant about it.

So, on a lighter note, let’s make this first dance together fun.  How about a little get-to-know-your-host?  Like I said my name is Mike and this is my space.  I’m a 31 year old man living in Washington D.C.  I was born and raised in San Diego, CA but moved out here with the wife about a year and a half ago.  Why move out to the East Coast from sunny San Diego?  Well, as I sit here and look out the window, seeing the most snow D.C. has seen in a very long time, I can only answer that query with I have absolutely no frigging idea.  Let’s see, what else?  Like I said, I’m an avid movie fan.  I mean I LOVE movies.  My friends and I are those annoying people that constantly quote movie lines… know, guys. 

When I’m not watching movies, I’m watching sports.  Football and Baseball are my gigs man.  I am an avid sports fan.  I support my home town team, the San Diego Chargers.  As far as baseball goes, I am a proud die hard member of the greatest fan base in the world, Red Sox Nation.  I know what you’re thinking “How can you be a die hard Sox fan if you’re from San Diego?  You should be a Padres fan!  You’re fake!”  I answer you like this, you try spending your entire life almost supporting a losing organization that has no ambition of winning.  I put my time in; I fulfilled my obligation as a fan, and I got nothing in return. I decided that if players can become free agents, so can fans.  So that’s that.  Anyway, this is not the time or place for that nonsense.  I will rant on sports in future blogs.

You know, as I read over what I’ve been writing here, I’m starting to think that whole “coming out of retirement” thing was not such a great idea, lol.  Well, let’s just hope that this is a case of the first round jitters, because I’m starting to think about not reading my stu

Oh, I almost forgot….I’m also going to open up my blog to other people too.  Because to tell you the truth, I know some pretty smart, insightful and down right funny people that have a lot to say on matters, just as I do.  So if I can provide a place for my peeps to open up and rant about whatever is on their minds, then so be it.

Alright, hopefully the next entry will be better for all of you.  I will talk to everyone soon.  Take it easy peeps!!